Programmer 3D: Philippe Kunzle
Email :philippe@kuenzle-family.ch

Programmer ALife: Dimitri Marinakis
Email: dimitri_marinakis@yahoo.ca

Website: evolutionz


DOWNLOAD : evolutionz



This program is a artificial life simulator. Three kind of animals (Predator, Omnivor, Herbivor) live, reproduce and evolve in a large field.

Screen Shots:

Yes, we do have screen shots of the application.
Here is a picture of the program when browsing the 3D world

And Here is the picture in fullscreen map mode

Recommended System:

Microsoft Windows 2000 or better.
Pentium III 800MHz with a 3D accelerated graphic card.
The program will work on a Pentium II without an accelerated but you should reduce the size of the window.



Copyright (c) 2002 Philippe Kunzle.
Permission is granted to copy or distribute this program in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. This program shouldn't be used for commercial purpose unless a prior permission is granted by the author.

Updated on April 2nd 2004